Nature and the Nature of the Mind

This mind is expressing itself as it is typing out its understanding so far. The nature of the mind that is appreciative of the journey expresses itself in words while other minds may do so verbally. Whether the nature of such a mind expresses itself in writing or in oral form, it is just but a manifestation of such a state. If something happens and the mind that arises is angry then such a nature is expressed through the manifestation of anger either by keeping quiet and having storylines appearing as thoughts or it can lash out at the other party or it can even go into abusive action. Seen from wisdom whose nature is wise then it is just Nature happening. Whether wisdom manifests in the wish to say something or otherwise, all depends on the situation at that moment. Whatever is expressed is the nature of the mind that is wise.

The mind that is still walking the path and taking on the 3-meditator’s job, will gather more and more data from such different natures of mind. The mind that is interested in learning recognizes different patterns arising in as many moments of awareness. The more consistent the awareness, the more the data is gathered sufficiently and correctly for the next level of wisdom to arise. When is not the right question. The job of a practitioner is to continue taking on the right practice with the right attitude to see that whatever nature of mind is arising is not personal. It is the nature of cause and effect happening. The conditioned mind with its tendencies will act the way it has been doing. It can’t be otherwise. The only difference is whether the mind has the wish to explore what has been shared and not take it from the attitude of `I know’ which is another manifestation of the deluded mind that thinks it knows.

When conditions are such, the mental state that arises will pop up. It all depends on whether the mind has learnt correctly or wrongly. It is like training an unruly child that has always been following its whims and fancies. The untrained mind is equated to such a child. Equipped with the right information and the right awareness (there is right information supporting it) to observe each happening with the wish to understand, the mind that is inclined towards learning will observe the relationship between the observing mind and the object. Every moment is an opportunity for learning with the 3-meditator’s job supporting one’s interest to understand. The object of observation also changes. Through the six senses that are functioning, the objects picked up may trigger happenings to arise at the mind door. Awareness turns in to investigating the wholesome (non-greed, non-aversion, non-delusion) or unwholesome (greed, aversion, delusion) mental states that have arisen due to how the mind relates to the object. Eventually, the observation leads to the discovery that it is the attitude of the mind that determines how the object is being seen.

At whatever level one is at, it is good as long as there is a willingness to learn. At the beginning stage of the path, many mistakes are made for the nature of the untrained mind is coming from a personalized view. Such a mind is always about feeling good and wanting to be a better person. Is there anything wrong with this? Right or wrong is just an idea, another wrong view. The mind that is still ignorant will exhibit such a nature. It is not a person but such a nature is manifesting during that time. Any nature that is being manifested is Nature happening. It is not a person who is doing it. As long as one has the wish to learn and find out what is happening at the mind door as consistently as possible, then the journey is correct.

As the journey progresses, the mind will be so well-trained that it is not sent out so often. It is interested to observe and learn from the happenings within itself, so to speak, for it realizes how objects outside are seen is actually coming from the views and meanings given by the mind itself. Wisdom will arise from such observations for the mind has picked up sufficient data to notice how vulnerable things are. They arise and cease due to causes and conditions and we have no control over them in any way. Letting go happens naturally for the mind would have understood that the Law of Conditionality is governing our lives. Whatever the wise has taught is self-evident that the world of samsara is indeed unsatisfactory.

The journey is a progression from baby to toddler to kindergarten, primary, secondary and tertiary. When does the graduation happen? It will be when the natural state of the mind has emerged where everything is seen as Nature.  It is like what the teacher mentioned, from duality (delusion) to semi-duality (mind notices object), then semi-non-duality (wisdom) and finally pure non-duality (awakened).

With nature in mind,
Chee Guit Yeng
29 Aug 2023


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