The Greatest Discovery You Will Ever Make Is The Mind

Career, relationship, family, money, and health are undeniably important to us. The wheel of life defines our happiness; and with that we try to perfect and create a balanced environment in hope to experience happiness a bit longer if not forever.

While balancing the wheel of life as a means to happiness, it inadvertently causes mental and physical stress. Many find therapies or methods to relieve the stress, pains and grievances; or manifest exciting new experiences in life, just to feel empty or restless somewhere again. Then, there will also come a time when we turn to spirituality looking for the true purpose in life and peace within. What is then truly happiness?


You With Your Own Mind

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Consider that there is an approach (beyond you in the world and you in the spiritual) that with it, everything is solved and without it, everything needs solving. We have witnessed people responding to a situation with much ease and grace. We have also seen people reacting to the same situation out of anger and fear. How is it so that two people respond to the same situation differently? One is equipped with an understanding of the situation while the other does not. There is a way to live a life with greater authenticity and clarity whether in your home, workplace, or in any relationships including with yourself. The way is through cultivation of awareness and wisdom.